Can we be inspired in the middle of war?
As I write this a war is happening in Europe. I have been glued to BBC's account of Russia invading Ukraine - on edge and wondering what lies ahead in the near future. It is easy to gloss over the question of inspiration. What relevance does the question of inspiration have in the middle of war? If we understand the role of inspiration it might answer this question. How does inspiration play a role in your life? What inspires you? Inspiration has a way of connecting with your past - your history - and motivating you in the present toward a future. Where do you come from? Where are you going? In my Pinterest account I have a page titled: Tree Inspiration. (10) Pinterest What can we find inspiring about trees? Our present context: War in Ukraine, questions of freedom and convoys in Canada, COVID 19, begs the question of finding inspiration in life. Is there a story that can insp...