News from a client and correcting a mistake

I recently received the following e-mail:
"I just noticed our forest on your site...we live in South Carolina in a very humid climate.  Dan and I are so pleased to be able to enjoy the forest in our home.  Our grandchildren like to touch and when hurricanes come the branches show the strength of the wind.  This past Christmas season the shepherds, sheep and angels were all gathered around the forest.  We wish you great success with your art."

This piece is called Forêt Humide (Humid Forest - in English)

This piece was purchased from the Historic Gardens of Annapolis Royal (in Nova Scotia) 

In an earlier post, I said the owners were from North Carolina - I'm correcting the record.  They are actually in South Carolina.  (I'm sorry for the mistake on my part)

I'm glad to see a dream of mine being acted out in another part of North America.  Touch the Art as you Experience it!

Thanks for the news!
David Warner


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